Voice Training in Chennai


MINOR 7 is our talent development initiative where we identify, nurture and popularize the early teens who are gifted in music. Anyone in the age group of 12 – 16 years, who can sing reasonably well and has the desire to make it to the next level can approach us. Our support is extended in the following three areas:


We will equip you with all the traits that you need to become a better singer. You will receive the necessary training to move from good to great so that your music is noteworthy and liked by people.


It is not enough if your music is good. You also need to be presented well and projected in a unique way from many other youngsters who post their music online. We will conceptualize the entire presentation and make a really good video of your singing so that your talent is best showcased.


At times wonderful music can go unnoticed due to lack of awareness among the people. This is a very integral part in online music medium, especially YouTube. We will ensure adequate publicity to reach the targeted audience so that you get the maximum mileage.


  1. We make original music and not cover versions
  2. We make music with lyrics that is appropriate for the young teens
  3. We make music that is theme based and meaningful
  4. We make music in English and other regional languages
  5. We make music that is trendy and videos that are interesting to view

Watch out for the launch of our upcoming single on YouTube featuring Chennai’s new talent …..